Game of You

Category: Contestants2


Name: Dominick DeFazio

NYU affiliation: Stern

NYU status: Undergraduate

Did you enter last year?: No

Do you have any teammates?: No

How many, including yourself?:


Concept Name

Game of You


High Concept Statement

A social network for the competitive gamification of any activity, from relay races to board games. Specialize, compete, make friends, find glory in your hobbies.


Status Quo

Figuring out what your friends, or potential friends, do with their spare time requires asking, usually only to find out they’re many competitive levels ahead of you. GoY can help you build a competitive team, improve real life skills, and make lasting friends, all around the activities you love.



Joining an amateur team or league is hard and time consuming. Intramurals are fleeting and unfairly matched. Meetups are uncompetitive, disorganized, and large. Social media is filled with selfies and garbage. Ranking services are fragmented and only cater to the best. Local tournaments are often too exclusive to welcome newcomers. Even with good friendships, setting out together on a new hobby rarely happens. However, with friends, any activity can become a new passion.



Skill Profiles –  GoY provides an overview of personal and friend’s skills and a path for progression.  

Teammate hunt – Need friends? Starting a team? Find interested teammates with similar hobbies!

Reddit style activity forums – moderators in any given skill forum organize tournaments, providing objectives for beginners to professionals.


Revenue Model

There are many paths to monetization. Sponsorship of tournaments by brands, event promotion of local venues, targeted advertising by activity specific brands, tournament entry fees, product bundling for specific activities. Knowing the interest of consumers in pursuing a hobby provides a unique and rich dataset for marketers, consumer brands, and sporting / hobby industries.


Which platform would you like to launch your app on?



Which category best describes your app?

Social Networking