Category: Contestants2


Name: Richard Chang

NYU affiliation: Stern

NYU status: Alumni

Did you enter last year?: No

Do you have any teammates?: Yes

How many, including yourself?: 2


Concept Name



High Concept Statement

Discover your favorite food and in need services based on in-network crowd sourced reviews


Status Quo

Online reviews are not going anywhere soon, they yield power and influence your decision tree.  A lot of people will trust a review on, say Yelp, before they even ask their friends and family for opinion



We live in a world where reviews and opinions matter.  It becomes a platform for businesses to connect with customers, and help focus on providing good service.  However, not all reviews are reliable; one’s negative experience can draw malicious reviews. And that bad review could potentially skew your opinion about the service provider. Yelp, Google and Angie’s list are the major players, but there are niche spaces to explore



We feel friends and family should help us guide our choices.  Furthermore, a clearly defined review on a specific item can drive better decisions.  We are introducing a concept to review by item/service received. And review will be shared amongst in-network friends and family


Revenue Model

The mobile app will be the central platform for review posting and service searching.  It will be a location-based app with geographical and interest notifications. The app will have a friendly interface and back end infrastructure to 1) crowd-source local specific product/service offerings, reviews, and ratings, 2) algorithms to search and stack reviews based on existing social network relationship (Facebook, Yelp, Instagram, YouTube, etc) and/or unknown sources with similar geo and/or ethnicity background.  The primary source of revenue will be selling ads and sponsored listings to small businesses


Which platform would you like to launch your app on?



Which category best describes your app?
